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About Robb Padgett
These are the more orchestral pieces I've written. Not everything is represented here, but you'll get the idea.
Some are loud, some are quiet. Some are dark, some are light.
Miss Nobody by Robb Padgett
Miss Nobody by Robb Padgett
Miss Nobody by Robb Padgett
Whole Day Down by Robb Padgett
Whole Day Down by Robb Padgett
Whole Day Down by Robb Padgett
Whole Day Down by Robb Padgett
Misc. Music by Robb Padgett
Misc. Music by Robb Padgett
Misc. Music by Robb Padgett
Scores by Robb Padgett
Minotaur by Robb Padgett
BD by Robb Padgett
Life from the Inside by Robb Padgett
Life from the Inside by Robb Padgett
Hollywood Wasteland by Robb Padgett
Hollywood Wasteland by Robb Padgett
Hollywood Wasteland by Robb Padgett
Hollywood Wasteland by Robb Padgett
Hollywood Wasteland by Robb Padgett
Manic Pixie Dream Wife by Robb Padgett
Manic Pixie Dream Wife by Robb Padgett
Forcing Fate by Robb Padgett
Dating in the Middle Ages by Robb Padgett
Dating in the Middle Ages by Robb Padgett
Vampire Zombie Werewolf by Robb Padgett
Vampire Zombie Werewolf by Robb Padgett
Vampire Zombie Werewolf by Robb Padgett
Vampire Zombie Werewolf by Robb Padgett
Vampire Zombie Werewolf by Robb Padgett
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